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T&C mentorship

Last update: 22 February 2022

These terms & conditions apply to the Mentorship program, the 1-1 option for learning everything about dropshipping.

After enrolling in the mentorship program you’ll get access to the ticketing system with the official mentors.

The Mentorship Program does not include:

  • 1. 1-1 Meeting using external softwares such as Skype, Zoom, Google meetings, Whatsapp.
  • Phone calls or any kind of vocal contact.

The mentor will decline any question related to illegal or unethical business models.

We can’t support you in illegal practices. This includes:

Stealth accounts:

We will not provide an explanation on how to open a stealth account using fake or illegal details. We encourage you to focus on correct and honest business models.

Damage to other businesses or users:

The mentor will not help you in damaging other stores, users or anything that goes far from the legal and ethical competition of the business.

The mentor cannot help with a suspensions or restriction of your selling account

Every suspension or restriction is very individualized and involves multiple factors like financial and legal documents. The mentor will not help you with providing documents for this process.

The mentor can clarify the documents you need to obtain, but he cannot look, prepare or edit them.

You cannot ask about marketplaces or suppliers that are not supported by AutoDS

We can support and help you just with the selling channels and suppliers we are currently supporting.

You can find the list of suppliers and marketplaces here: List of Supported Suppliers.

The mentor will not review your store

Reviewing a store is a process that goes far from just looking at screenshots from it. It should be done by examining everything related to the store such as traffic, niche, history and more, thus, this cannot be done through ticket correspondence.

The mentor will not review your store in full. You can always send some screenshots or links and ask some tips or specific questions.

The mentor can't give you a list of specific products to sell

The mentor will help you to learn and growth long term strategies for you stores and can teach you how to find high demands products to sell, but in any case can do a product research in your behalf.