If you’re looking for ways to make money online without a lot of upfront investment but are unsure which path to take, stay with us. Today, we’re comparing two popular options: affiliate marketing vs dropshipping. Both of these models offer great opportunities to start an online business, but they work in different ways. That’s why today, we’ll dissect and understand each method’s basics, so you can decide which is the best fit for you.

Whether you want to promote products, earn commissions, or run your own store without holding inventory, we’ve got you covered. Let’s explore the ins and outs of affiliate marketing vs dropshipping and find out which suits your goals and lifestyle better.

Key Takeaways

If you’re looking to start an online business with minimal upfront investment, both affiliate marketing and dropshipping offer lucrative opportunities.

Affiliate marketing requires less initial setup and allows you to earn commissions by promoting products through various online platforms.

Dropshipping, while requiring more setup with an online store, offers higher profit margins and control over pricing and branding.

Success hinges on understanding your goals, managing risks effectively, and leveraging automation tools like AutoDS to streamline operations.

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Affiliate Marketing VS Dropshipping: Learn The Basics

Affiliate marketing vs dropshipping: that’s the dispute. The truth is, those are two great, popular online business models with different characteristics. Affiliate marketing requires minimal startup costs, allowing us to promote products through existing platforms. Dropshipping also has low initial costs, but it involves having an online store. Profit margins tend to be lower in affiliate marketing, where we can earn commissions on sales. Dropshipping offers higher potential profits as we set our own prices.

In terms of business control, affiliate marketing provides less autonomy since we rely on the merchant’s products and practices. Dropshipping offers more control, allowing us to manage customer service and build our own brand. Both models have high earning potential, but affiliate marketing success depends on building an audience while dropshipping relies on effective marketing to attract customers.

AspectAffiliate MarketingDropshipping
Startup CostsVery low, as you can promote products through your own website, social media, or blog.Low, but you need to invest in an online store and marketing.
Profit MarginsLower, as you earn commissions on sales rather than the full product price.Higher, as you set your own profit margins on the products you sell.
Control Over BusinessLess control, as you rely on the merchant's product, business, and fixed commissions.More control, as you set your own profit margins and handle customer service.
Earning PotentialHigh, but requires building an audience and driving traffic to affiliate links.High, but depends on attracting customers, often through paid advertising.
Income PredictabilityVariable, as earnings depend on marketing performance and audience engagement.More predictable once established, but still subject to competition.
Ease of StartEasier, as you can join affiliate programs and start promoting products.Requires finding suppliers and setting up an online store before starting.
Risk LevelLower, as you don't need to invest in inventory, warehousing, or logistics.Higher, as you are responsible for operations, customer orders, and suppliers.

Income predictability varies between the two. Affiliate marketing earnings can be more variable, fluctuating with marketing performance. Dropshipping income tends to be more predictable once our store is established. Also, risk levels differ. Affiliate marketing carries lower risk since the main investment needed is in marketing and audience building. Dropshipping involves higher risk as we’re responsible for all aspects of the business, including customer orders and supplier reliability.

Both models offer unique advantages and challenges. Our choice should depend on our specific business goals, resources, and risk tolerance. If executed effectively, either model can lead to a successful online business.

What Is Dropshipping & How Does It Work

affiliate marketing vs dropshipping

Dropshipping is a business model where online retailers sell products without holding inventory. Instead, when a customer orders, the retailer purchases the item from a third-party supplier, who then ships it directly to the customer. This approach eliminates the need for warehousing and inventory management, allowing entrepreneurs to start and run an ecommerce business with minimal upfront investment.

For instance, we, as dropshippers, could operate an online store selling home decor items, sourcing products from various suppliers, and having them shipped directly to buyers without ever handling the merchandise ourselves. If you’re wondering: ‘ok, but is dropshipping profitable?’ The answer is yes, and it also has other advantages worth exploring. Let’s check them out.

Main Benefits of Dropshipping:

  • No inventory management required: You don’t need to store or handle inventory yourself. Suppliers handle storage and shipping.
  • Low start-up costs: You can start with minimal upfront investment compared to traditional retail businesses.
  • Easy scalability: Growing your business is straightforward, as you don’t need to manage inventory or warehouse space expansion.
  • Wide product selection possibilities: You can sell a broad range of products without stocking them, giving you flexibility.
  • Flexibility in location and operations: You can operate your business from anywhere with an internet connection and adjust your operations easily as needed.

Also, automation plays a crucial role in making dropshipping a very attractive business model, especially when deciding between affiliate marketing vs dropshipping. Using automation tools, we can make our business run more smoothly.

Automation helps us by handling tasks like order processing, inventory management, product importing, and more. In essence, it saves time and reduces mistakes, making it easier to manage more orders and scale a store.

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For instance, automation software can quickly send order details to suppliers, update product stock on the website, and provide customers with tracking information. This frees up a lot of time for dropshippers to focus on other key stuff like marketing and attracting new customers instead of getting stuck with daily tasks. The mix of dropshipping’s flexible model and strong automation features can result in a business that can grow and be more profitable than affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing

affiliate marketing vs dropshipping

Affiliate marketing is all about performance. Essentially, people promote products or services from a merchant and earn a commission whenever they generate a sale lead or other desired actions. Affiliates use platforms like websites, social media, and blogs to share special links that track their referrals. They get paid when someone clicks on these links and buys something or does what the affiliate wants. This lets affiliates earn money from online presence without making or handling products or services themselves.

Main Benefits of Affiliate Marketing:

  • Performance-based: Affiliates are compensated only when they successfully drive a sale, lead, or other desired actions. This aligns with the interests of affiliates and merchants.
  • Scalability: The model can scale easily, as merchants can partner with many affiliates, and affiliates can promote multiple products or services.
  • Diverse affiliate ecosystem: Affiliates range from individuals and bloggers to large media companies.
  • Commission structure: Commissions can be based on various models, including pay-per-sale (PPS), pay-per-click (PPC), pay-per-lead (PPL), revenue share, and tiered commissions.
  • Low start-up and ongoing costs: Affiliates don’t need to invest in creating or maintaining a product, inventory, or customer service.
  • Flexibility: Affiliates can choose the products/services they promote, platforms to use, and strategies to implement.

What Is More Profitable Dropshipping VS Affiliate Marketing?

In affiliate marketing vs dropshipping, the truth is both models can be lucrative. As we’ve seen, each model has advantages and challenges, so it’s important to consider which aligns best with our goals and circumstances before diving in.

However, dropshipping generally offers higher profit margins and more control over our businesses. Here’s why dropshipping might be the better choice:

  • Pricing Control: In dropshipping, we can set our own prices. We buy products at wholesale prices and sell them at a higher retail price, keeping the profit. This flexibility helps us maximize earnings. In affiliate marketing, we could earn commissions set by the merchant, which may be lower than we earn through dropshipping.
  • Revenue Potential: Dropshippers can earn more by selling products directly to customers at full retail prices. We keep the difference between the sale price and the cost of goods. In contrast, affiliate marketers earn a commission, which is usually a smaller percentage of the product price.
  • Branding and Repeat Business: Dropshipping allows us to build our brand and customer base. Customers who buy from our store are likely to return, boosting our sales over time. Affiliate marketing lacks this brand loyalty because customers buy directly from the merchant, not us.

Last but definitely not least:

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  • Automation: This is a huge plus in dropshipping. Imagine using tools like AutoDS to handle tasks like finding hot-selling products, processing orders, and managing inventory—all without manual effort. It frees up our time and lets us focus on growing our business. Moreover, automation platforms like AutoDS provide detailed reports that offer insights into sales trends, customer behavior, and inventory performance. These reports are crucial for making informed decisions and scaling dropshipping operations effectively. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Do Both Affiliate Marketing And Dropshipping?

Yes, you can definitely do both affiliate marketing and dropshipping simultaneously. Many entrepreneurs choose this approach to diversify their income streams and leverage the strengths of each model. For instance, you can use affiliate marketing to promote complementary products on your blog or social media while running a dropshipping store. This strategy allows you to earn commissions from affiliate sales and profit margins from dropshipping sales.

Which Model Is Easier To Start: Affiliate Marketing Or Dropshipping?

Generally, affiliate marketing is easier to start because you can begin promoting products immediately through your website, blog, or social media channels without creating a product or managing inventory. On the other hand, dropshipping offers its own advantages despite requiring more initial setup. With dropshipping, you can start an online store without holding inventory, which reduces upfront costs and the need for warehousing.

How Do The Risks Of Dropshipping Compare To The Ones In Affiliate Marketing?

Dropshipping and affiliate marketing have different risk profiles. Dropshipping involves operational risks such as supplier reliability, inventory management, and order fulfillment. However, you don’t need to invest in inventory upfront, reducing financial risks compared to traditional retail models. Affiliate marketing, on the other hand, carries risks related to marketing performance and the stability of affiliate programs. Your earnings depend on your ability to drive traffic and conversions through promotional efforts. Both models have risks but can be managed with careful planning and execution.


Both models offer exciting paths to online entrepreneurship, whether you’re drawn to the freedom of promoting products without inventory in affiliate marketing or the control and potentially higher profits of dropshipping. The key lies in aligning these models with your specific goals, resources, and comfort level with risk.

Affiliate marketing shines with its low barriers to entry and scalable earning potential through diverse promotional channels. On the other hand, dropshipping empowers you with pricing control, branding opportunities, and the ability to automate crucial business operations. Whether you diversify your income streams by mixing models or focus on mastering one, the digital landscape offers endless opportunities.

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