Are you embarking on a journey to migrate from Wix to Shopify? You’re in the right place! Whether you’re switching to unlock Shopify’s robust features or aiming to consolidate your online presence, we’ve got you covered.

Wix, the famous website builder, might have served as your launchpad into the world of ecommerce. It allows users to create websites using drag-and-drop tools, making it easy for anyone without coding skills. On the other hand, Shopify is a leading eCommerce platform that millions choose daily. It empowers users to create and manage online stores effortlessly. Shopify provides customizable themes, extensive app integrations, and tools for inventory management, order processing, and customer engagement.

Transitioning your store from Wix to Shopify opens up a world of possibilities for your dropshipping venture. With Shopify’s intuitive interface, extensive app ecosystem, and powerful tools for scaling your business, you’re ready for success. So, let’s dive into the exciting journey of migrating your online store from Wix to Shopify.

Key Takeaways

Migrating from Wix to Shopify offers numerous advantages for dropshippers, including access to robust eCommerce features and a dedicated platform tailored to online businesses like ours.

Careful preparation is crucial before migrating, involving steps such as backing up Wix website data, choosing the right Shopify plan, and installing necessary Shopify apps to optimize store functionality.

Shopify’s user-friendly interface, customizable templates, and extensive app ecosystem make designing a Shopify store a seamless process, with options to customize further and enhance the store’s appearance and functionality.

Importing products to Shopify can be done manually or through automation tools like AutoDS, which offer significant advantages such as bulk importing, product optimization, and inventory management capabilities.

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Why Migrate Dropshipping From Wix to Shopify?

In the dynamic world of dropshipping, staying ahead of the curve is paramount for success. While Wix offers a user-friendly experience, transitioning to Shopify for dropshipping provides many new advantages. From enhanced inventory management to seamless order processing, migrating from Wix to Shopify equips dropshippers with the necessary tools to thrive in the competitive ecommerce landscape. Let’s explore the difference between these two platforms in more depth. 

Wix VS Shopify – Differences Between Wix And Shopify

wix to shopify

For dropshippers considering a switch from Wix to Shopify, it’s crucial to understand the differences between these platforms. While Wix is known for its easy website-building tools, it has limited eCommerce features. However, Shopify stands out as a dedicated eCommerce platform designed specifically for online businesses like ours.

Let’s break it down: Wix makes it simple to create a website, but its not always the best option for a successful online store. For instance, Wix may offer fewer options for payment gateways or advanced inventory management tools. This could hold us back as we strive to grow our dropshipping business.

On the flip side, Shopify is like a secret weapon in the world of eCommerce. It’s a platform for businesses like ours, offering plenty of features essential for success. With Shopify, we can access everything we need, from seamless integration with dropshipping platforms to robust inventory management tools. Plus, Shopify grows with us, ensuring that as our business expands, our online store can handle it without missing a beat.

Shopify’s Main Advantages

shopify homepage

  • User-Friendly Experience: Shopify’s interface is a breeze to navigate, ensuring a seamless journey for sellers and shoppers. Every step, from browsing products to checking out, is intuitive, leading to higher conversions and happier customers.
  • Comprehensive eCommerce Tools: Shopify has all the features we need to succeed in dropshipping. With built-in tools for dropshipping integration, inventory management, and secure payments, we have everything under one roof, making our job easier.
  • Scalability Made Simple: As our dropshipping business grows, Shopify grows with us. With flexible plans and the ability to add advanced features as needed, we can scale our store without any hassle, ensuring we keep up with our expanding demands.
  • SEO Superpowers: Shopify equips us with powerful SEO tools to boost our store’s visibility in search engine results. By optimizing our product listings and website structure, we attract more organic traffic, driving higher sales and revenue.
  • Endless App Possibilities: Shopify’s app store is full of tools to enhance our store’s functionality. Whether automating marketing tasks or managing inventory, Shopify’s ecosystem offers integrations to tailor our store to our needs and preferences.
Key PointsWixShopify
eCommerce FunctionalityBasic eCommerce features, suitable for small businessesRobust features tailored for online businesses
Customization OptionsLimited customizationExtensive customization options with a wide selection of themes and templates
Scalability Limited scalability, may struggle with complex operations Highly scalable platform, suitable for businesses of any size and complexity
App Ecosystem Limited app integrations compared to Shopify Extensive app ecosystem offering a wide range of third-party integrations
SEO Capabilities May require additional optimization effortsAdvanced SEO tools to improve store visibility and attract organic traffic

Prepare To Migrate Your Dropshipping Store From Wix To Shopify

Before migrating a dropshipping store from Wix to Shopify, it’s essential to understand that this transition requires careful preparation. We can’t simply jump into it headfirst; instead, we must ensure we’re super ready for the migration process. Following a systematic approach and taking the necessary steps to prepare ensures a smooth and successful transition to Shopify. As a result, this sets us up for success in dropshipping.

Now, let’s explore the crucial steps we need to take to prepare to migrate our dropshipping store from Wix to Shopify. In fact, each step plays a vital role in ensuring a seamless transition. So, let’s get started on this journey together and pave the way for a successful migration to Shopify.

Backing Up Wix Website Data

Backing up our website data is the first crucial step before embarking on the migration from Wix to Shopify. We must do it as a safety net to ensure we don’t lose any valuable data during the transition.

The process of backing up includes safeguarding essential elements such as product descriptions, images, and valuable customer data. By doing so, we’re protecting the backbone of our business, ensuring a seamless transition without any data loss or disruptions.

How to create a backup on Wix:

  1. Go to CMS in your Wix dashboard.
  2. Click “More Actions”.
  3. Click Backups.
  4. Click + Add Backup.

While simple, creating a backup is vital in case something goes wrong. It is a safeguard from technical or user errors. Actually, it is a good practice to regularly back up your website even if you don’t plan to migrate.

Choosing The Right Shopify Plan

Shopify plan alternatives

Next up is choosing the right Shopify plan for our business needs. Shopify offers a variety of plans, each with its unique set of features and pricing. It’s crucial to assess our business requirements carefully.

Contrary to common belief, when it comes to dropshipping on Shopify, the plan you choose isn’t about the number of products you sell. The Basic Shopify plan is sufficient for most users, offering essential features and unlimited product listings. The key differences between the Basic and Shopify plans lie in transaction fees and staff accounts.

  • Basic Plan: Higher transaction fees and unlimited products. Suitable for smaller operations or those just starting.
  • Shopify Plan: Lower transaction fees, up to 5 staff accounts. It is ideal for businesses with a higher order volume or multiple VAs.

Choose based on your order volume, transaction fee savings, and the need for additional staff accounts. For most, the Basic plan is adequate, but upgrading can offer benefits if your business demands it.

Installing Necessary Shopify Apps

Wix to Shopify with AutoDS

When migrating your dropshipping business from Wix To Shopify, utilizing the right apps can significantly enhance your store’s functionality and customer experience. Think of these apps as the secret ingredients that take our dropshipping business to the next level. From streamlining inventory management to optimizing shipping processes and ensuring secure payment processing, these apps are crucial in maximizing our store’s efficiency and performance.

However, with thousands of apps available in the Shopify App Store, it’s essential to do thorough research and choose the best ones suited to our specific business needs.

Here are a few Shopify app categories to consider:

  1. Review Importers: These apps allow you to import product reviews from other platforms, helping to build trust and credibility with potential customers.
  2. Frequently Bought Together: Apps in this niche recommend complementary products to customers, encouraging them to add more items to their cart, thereby increasing your average order value.
  3. Countdown Timers: These create a sense of urgency by displaying a countdown on product pages or during sales, prompting customers to make quicker purchasing decisions.
  4. Spin the Wheel for Email Collection: Interactive apps that offer customers the chance to spin a virtual wheel for discounts in exchange for their email addresses, helping you grow your email marketing list.
  5. Upsell and Cross-Sell: These apps suggest higher-value products or complementary items at checkout, helping to boost sales.
  6. Abandoned Cart Recovery: Apps that send automated emails or messages to remind customers of items left in their cart, helping to recover potentially lost sales.
  7. Social Proof and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Apps that display recent purchases, product popularity, or limited stock alerts to create social proof and urgency.
  8. Product Customization: Apps that allow customers to personalize products, offering a unique selling proposition and increasing engagement.
  9. Loyalty and Rewards Programs: Apps that help create and manage loyalty programs to encourage repeat purchases and increase customer retention.
  10. SEO and Marketing: Tools that optimize your store for search engines and manage marketing campaigns to drive more traffic and sales.

Incorporating apps from these niches can help streamline operations, enhance customer engagement, and ultimately drive sales growth for your dropshipping store.

Pro Tip: Simplify the process with automation. The AutoDS Shopify App is an all-in-one solution with product research tools, automated order processing, and price and stock monitoring.

How To Migrate From Wix to Shopify Step by Step

As we’ve seen, transitioning our dropshipping store from Wix to Shopify requires careful planning and execution. To ensure a smooth and successful migration, we’ve outlined five key steps to guide you through the process seamlessly. Let’s dive into the Wix to Shopify step-by-step guide and embark on this transformative journey together!

1. Exporting Wix Website Data

Before diving into the migration process, we must export our Wix website data to ensure a smooth transition to Shopify.

  1. Access Wix Dashboard: Log in to your Wix account and navigate to the Dashboard.
  2. Export Products: Go to the “Catalog” section, then select “Store Products” and click “Products.”
    wix dashboard to migrating to shopify
  3. Choose Export Option: Select the middle icon, which will prompt a window asking if you want to export your products.
  4. Confirm Export: Click “Export” to download the CSV file containing your product data.
    Exporting Wix products
  5. Export Customer Lists: From the “Customer & Leads” section, choose “Contacts” and click on “More Actions” followed by “Export Contacts” to export your customer lists.
    Export contacts from wix
  6. Export Order History: Navigate to “Sales,” click the “Orders” section, and follow the same process to export your order history.

Once exported, you’ll have CSV files containing your Wix website data ready for migration.

2. Importing Wix Data To Shopify

With our Wix data exported and ready, it’s time to import it into our Shopify store.

  1. Log in to Shopify: Access your Shopify Dashboard and login to your account.
  2. Navigate to Products: Click the “Products” section from the sidebar menu.
  3. Choose Import Option: Look for the “Import” button in the upper right-hand corner and click on it.
    wix to shopify import products
  4. Upload CSV File: Select the CSV file containing your Wix product data and upload it to Shopify.
  5. Review and Confirm: Shopify will guide you through the import process, allowing you to review the data and make any necessary changes manually to ensure accuracy.
    Wix to shopify preview and import csv
  6. Import Customer Lists: Navigate to the “Customers” section and click “Import customers” to upload the CSV file containing your Wix contacts.
    Shopify import customers
  7. Import Order History: Similarly, navigate to the “Orders” section and follow the import process to bring in your order history data.

After completing these steps, our Wix data will seamlessly integrate into our Shopify store. We’re now ready for our dropshipping endeavors on the new platform.

Importing Untracked Products To AutoDS

If you are using AutoDS for dropshipping automation, it’s important to note that any products imported from Wix to Shopify directly will appear as “Untracked” on AutoDS. This means AutoDS can see the products on your Shopify store but won’t have information about their suppliers, which is essential for automation features like price and stock updates. Luckily, we can also import untracked products to AutoDS and enjoy full automation.

And, if you were already using AutoDS with Wix, there’s no need to go through the export-import process from Wix to Shopify for these products.

Since AutoDS is already tracking and automating your Wix products, you can simply take the Wix source product IDs from AutoDS and re-add them to your Shopify store. This method ensures that your product tracking and automation settings remain intact, and AutoDS continues to manage these products seamlessly on your new Shopify platform. This approach saves time and maintains the continuity of your automation processes.

3. Designing A Shopify Store

Wix to Shopify themes

In this step, we delve into crafting our Shopify store to reflect our brand’s identity and showcase our products effectively. Shopify offers plenty of customizable templates, giving us the flexibility to create a unique online presence. Whether we opt for a free or paid template, we have ample options to explore. We can begin by exploring Shopify’s template library, where we can browse through various styles and layouts tailored to different industries.

Once we’ve identified a template that resonates with our brand, we proceed to customize it to our liking. With Shopify’s intuitive editor, we can tweak colors, fonts, and layouts without delving into complex coding. This empowers us to tailor our store’s design to match our vision seamlessly. As we refine our design, we aim to create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface that enhances the shopping experience.

Pro Tip: Leverage AutoDS AI-Built Store to streamline the setup process. This feature allows you to create a compelling Shopify storefront in less than 2 minutes!

4. Importing Products To Shopify

Importing products to Shopify is crucial in setting up our dropshipping store. We can do this manually or through automation tools, each with its own benefits. Let’s explore both methods:

Manual Import

Wix to Shopify manual import

To manually import products to Shopify, we navigate to the Products section in our Shopify dashboard and click the “Add product” button. Then, we fill in the required product details such as title, description, price, and images.

Manual product import can be time-consuming, especially if we have a large number of products in our catalog. It requires great effort and attention to detail to ensure accurate product listings.

Automation Tools

AutoDS automatic product import to Shopify

Automation tools like AutoDS offer seamless integration with Shopify, enabling us to import products quickly and efficiently. We simply connect our Shopify store to the automation platform and sync the product data.

With automation, we can import products in bulk, saving time and effort compared to manual entry. This allows us to add hundreds or even thousands of products to our Shopify store in just a few clicks. On the other hand, automation tools come with product optimization features, such as automatic image resizing and SEO and price optimization. These features help improve the quality and visibility of our product listings, enhancing our store’s overall performance. 

Last but not least, automation tools also offer robust inventory management capabilities, allowing us to track stock levels, monitor product availability, and automate order fulfillment processes.

By automating product import and management tasks, we free up valuable time to focus on other aspects of our dropshipping business. For instance, we can spend more time improving marketing, customer service, and growth strategies.

AutoDS platform bulk inventory edition

In summary, while manual product import is an option, leveraging automation tools like AutoDS to import products to Shopify offers numerous advantages. In essence, they help streamline the dropshipping process and enhance overall efficiency. By embracing automation, we can create a more successful and scalable dropshipping business on Shopify.

5. Setting Up Payment And Shipping Options

Shopify Shiping and delivery

As we approach the final step of migrating from Wix to Shopify, let’s focus on payment and shipping options. This step is crucial to ensure smooth transactions and seamless order fulfillment for our customers.

Shopify offers a wide range of payment gateways, allowing us to choose the ones that best suit our business needs and preferences. From popular options like PayPal and Stripe to alternative methods such as Apple Pay and Google Pay, Shopify provides flexibility and convenience in accepting payments from customers worldwide.

Moreover, in addition to payment gateways, Shopify enables us to configure shipping options tailored to our specific requirements. We can set up shipping rates based on factors such as location, product weight, and shipping method. Whether offering free shipping promotions, charging flat rates, or calculating rates based on carrier fees, Shopify’s robust shipping settings empower us to provide accurate shipping costs to customers at checkout.

With payment and shipping options configured to our liking, we can ensure a seamless shopping experience for our customers.

Post-Migration Checklist

First, congratulations on successfully migrating your dropshipping store from Wix to Shopify! Now that the technical aspects are behind us, it’s time to focus on ensuring our new Shopify store is fully optimized and ready for business. In this post-migration checklist, we’ll cover key points to keep in mind to maximize the potential of our Shopify store. Let’s dive in and ensure we’re on the right track to thrive in eCommerce.

Testing The Shopify Store

Firstly, we must roll up our sleeves and conduct thorough testing to ensure everything runs smoothly. We’ll start by navigating our Shopify store, clicking on various links, and checking for broken or misdirected pages. We want to ensure our customers have a seamless browsing experience. For this, we’ll pay close attention to the navigation menus, product categories, and search functionality.

Additionally, we’ll scrutinize the checkout process, from adding items to the cart to completing the purchase, to confirm everything works. Furthermore, we must carefully review the product listings to verify that they are accurately displayed and categorized. We’ll double-check product descriptions, images, and pricing to ensure consistency and clarity. It’s essential that our customers can easily find and understand the products they’re interested in purchasing. By thoroughly testing our Shopify store, we can instill confidence in our customers and lay the foundation for successful dropshipping.

Redirecting Our Wix Website To Shopify

Secondly, ensuring a smooth transition for our customers from our old Wix website to our new Shopify domain is essential. For this, we’ll set up redirects that guide visitors from our previous Wix URLs to the corresponding pages on Shopify. Customers attempting to access our old product pages will be redirected to the relevant pages on Shopify. This preserves continuity and ensures a nice browsing experience for all users.

Wix to Shopify domain settings

To do this, we must access our Wix account and navigate to the domain settings to manage our site’s redirects. From there, we can create 301 redirects that automatically forward visitors to the corresponding pages on Shopify. It’s crucial to double-check each redirect to ensure accuracy, as any errors could lead to broken links or lost traffic. By meticulously setting up redirects, we can effectively minimize any potential disruptions or confusion during the transition period.

Updating SEO Settings

Another key step is to optimize our SEO settings to enhance our online visibility and attract more organic traffic. This involves fine-tuning various elements such as page titles, meta descriptions, and URLs. The goal is to improve our search engine rankings and make it easier for potential customers to find us online. By optimizing these aspects, we can ensure that our store appears prominently in search engine results pages (SERPs) when users search for relevant keywords related to our products or industry.

To update our SEO settings on Shopify, we’ll navigate to the admin dashboard and access the section dedicated to optimization. Here, we can edit individual page titles, meta descriptions, and URLs for each page on our site. Incorporating relevant keywords into our titles and meta descriptions is essential to show search engines what our content is about. Ultimately, this will increase the likelihood of appearing in relevant search queries. Additionally, we’ll ensure our URLs are concise and descriptive and include keywords where appropriate to improve readability and SEO performance. By optimizing our SEO settings, we can boost our store’s visibility, drive more organic traffic, and increase sales and revenue.

Announcing The Migration To Customers

It’s crucial to communicate this transition to our customers and inform them about any changes that may affect their experience. We can achieve this by crafting personalized email newsletters, engaging social media posts, and informative blog updates. It’s crucial to announce the migration and highlight the benefits of our new Shopify platform. By reaching out to our customers through various channels, we can ensure they know about the transition and reassure them that we’re committed to providing them with the best shopping experience.

In our communications, we’ll explain the reasons behind the migration and how it will benefit our customers. We can focus on aspects such as improved website functionality and a wider range of products. We’ll also address their concerns and provide them with resources to navigate the new platform seamlessly. Similarly, we can leverage social media to share updates about our Shopify store, sneak peeks of new features, and promotions. Keeping our customers informed and engaged throughout the transition can build trust while ensuring a smooth and successful migration experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Switch From Wix To Shopify?

Yes, if you’re looking for a more robust eCommerce platform with advanced features tailored for online businesses, switching from Wix to Shopify could be beneficial. Shopify offers comprehensive tools for dropshipping, inventory management, payment processing, and more, making it a preferred choice for many online entrepreneurs.

Is There A Better Alternative To Wix?

While Wix is a popular website builder, Shopify emerges as a better alternative if you’re specifically looking for an eCommerce-focused platform with extensive features for running a dropshipping business. With its dedicated eCommerce functionalities and user-friendly interface, Shopify provides a more tailored solution for online sellers.

Can I Have Multiple Dropshipping Stores?

Yes, you can have multiple dropshipping stores using platforms like Shopify. Many dropshippers operate multiple stores targeting different niches or audiences to diversify their revenue streams. Shopify allows you to manage multiple stores from a single dashboard, making it convenient to oversee all your eCommerce ventures simultaneously.


In conclusion, transitioning from Wix to Shopify marks a significant step forward in your dropshipping journey. Whether you wish for enhanced features or need to consolidate your online presence, this migration promises new opportunities and growth potential. While Wix may have served as a convenient starting point, Shopify emerges as a dedicated eCommerce powerhouse, empowering you to create and manage your online store with ease.

With Shopify’s intuitive interface, extensive app ecosystem, and powerful tools at your disposal, you’re well-equipped to thrive in e-commerce. Each step in this journey contributes to success, from designing a store to optimizing SEO settings and announcing the migration to customers. 

So, as you embark on this journey of migrating, remember that with careful planning, preparation, and execution, you can build a successful dropshipping empire on Shopify.

Here’s to your continued growth and prosperity in the dynamic world of eCommerce! If you’re craving a little more inspiration for your dropshipping biz, take a look at these articles: