Dropshipping is a unique business model that allows us to sell products without holding inventory. Instead, when we receive an order, we directly instruct our suppliers to deliver the products to our customers. As a flexible business model, it gives us a solid profit margin.

But to those who are just starting as dropshippers, it is difficult to understand what a good profit margin is. Along with that, there’s also much-needed clarity on our product pricing strategy to improve and scale our business revenues.

Therefore, in this article, we will learn how much dropshipping profit margin we can achieve. Furthermore, we will also discover multiple techniques to optimally price products and increase profits.

How To Calculate A Dropshipping Profit Margin

So, how do we calculate our dropshipping profit margin? To get our desired profit margin, we first need to understand our break-even point. In short, the break-even point (BEP) is the production level at which total revenues are equal to total expenses. Anything above our break-even point is our profits. To clarify, here is a simple formula:

Dropshipping Profit Margin= [(Income-Expenses)/ Income] * 100

According to this formula, first, we need to calculate the income and expenses we have in our business. Typically, income is sales revenue that we receive from our customers. On the other hand, expenses can vary according to selling channels.

For instance, let’s look at how much profit margin we can achieve from two different types of selling channels. In this example, we will look at Shopify, a customizable store, and eBay, a marketplace.


To start dropshipping on Shopify, we need a basic Shopify subscription plan which costs $19.00/month (an annual subscription costs less). Since Shopify doesn’t have readily available traffic, we need to drive traffic on our website with advertising.

While there are cost-effective ways to market our Shopify stores, using Facebook ads works very well for Shopify stores. So, we can market our products with Facebook’s PPC campaign. In general, basic advertising on Facebook can cost anywhere from $5-$50 per day. It majorly depends on our target audience and product type.

Additionally, we need to consider payment processing fees for payment gateways like PayPal. If we are a Shopify store in the US, it costs 2.9% of the transaction amount, along with a $0.30 USD flat fee. For instance, if a customer buys $50 worth of product, we will be charged $1.45 plus a $0.30 processing fee. Besides that, we can use influencer marketing to promote our products through influencers.

Finally, we also have to pay shipping costs. However, most suppliers offer free shipping, especially if we spend a certain amount. For instance, Bangood offers free shipping for orders over $49.99. However, we can negotiate with our suppliers about shipping costs if they do not provide free shipping.

Overall, we need to price our products according to these costs. So, if a product costs $100 and after adding all the costs, it comes to $125, we should price it at around $200. This covers all the related costs and gives us a profit of $75.


Now, let’s look at how much profit margin we can gain on eBay. While we can start eBay dropshipping for free with a personal account, the business account on eBay has five different subscription plans. Let’s take Starter Store as our subscription plan, which costs $21.95 per month.

Unlike Shopify, eBay is a marketplace. So, naturally, there is plenty of traffic to take advantage of. Therefore, we don’t need to use paid marketing immediately. Nevertheless, we can use eBay’s PPC campaign if we want to market our products. In short, this feature charges us each time a customer clicks on our listing through eBay’s promotion. As such, it can cost around $0.20 per click.

Additionally, eBay has selling, listing, and final value fees. In essence, these fees depend on various factors. For instance, final value fees depend upon the category we are selling. However, we cannot pinpoint the exact profit margin and expect it to remain the same throughout because fees change from time to time and according to category. For instance, if the overall cost of $150 worth of product comes out to be $90, including all fees and marketing, then we can end up with a profit of around $60.

For both eBay and Shopify, we might also have to pay source tax when purchasing the products from our suppliers after we receive customers’ orders. Generally, we can expect the average profit to be around 15% from the break-even point of the source price, not including source tax.

With that in mind, Facebook Marketplace is an excellent alternative to rake in high dropshipping profit margins. With no subscription costs, hidden fees, and a low 5% transaction fee, it gives us plenty of room for profit.

Overall, we need to be aware of the costs we must pay on different selling channels. Once we are informed about that, we need to figure out our dropshipping strategy. Are we focusing on products that can take off with marketing? Or do we want to dropship products that can benefit from massive traffic? If we have an optimized strategy, we can achieve a good profit margin. 

What Is A Good Dropshipping Profit Margin?

Good Dropshipping Profit Margin

Before we talk about what a good dropshipping profit margin is, there are many factors to consider. This includes the average product price of our listing, our sales volume, the competition level, and our niche and target audience. For instance, a 10% profit on a product worth $1000 is significantly higher than a 20% profit on a product worth $100.

Similarly, like in every other business, our profit margin can become more meaningful with increased sales volume. In general, anything less than 10% is an insufficient profit margin.

Now, here’s the million-dollar question: what is a good dropshipping profit margin? Well, an optimal profit margin would be somewhere between 15-60%. Additionally, once we gain enough experience, we can further scale our profits to an even higher level. So, yes, dropshipping is indeed a profitable venture to partake in!

8 Dropshipping Fees You Need To Know About

In order to calculate our profit margins, we need to learn about our expenses. And, to analyze our expenses, we need to know what costs we bear when dropshipping. With that in mind, here are some dropshipping fees that we need to keep in mind:

Let’s go over each one in detail.

Selling Channel Fee

Shopify dropshipping selling channel subscription

In general, selling channel fees are subscription costs for platforms where we list our products. Additionally, we pay these fees either monthly or annually. Also, the fees can vary depending on the subscription plan we choose.

For instance, Shopify has basic, standard, and advanced subscription plans, which vary according to the level of dropshippers. Similarly, eBay has Starter, Basic, Premium, Anchor, and Enterprise plans for dropshippers.

Listing Fee

After we choose a platform to sell our products, we need to start listing them. Generally, eCommerce marketplaces like eBay charge us a listing fee per product. But we don’t have to pay this fee if we are dropshipping on Shopify or Wix.

Selling Fee

For every product we sell, we need to pay a certain fee to our selling channel. Similar to listing fees, selling fees are only charged by eCommerce marketplaces. And, mostly, it amounts to a small percentage of the total cost of each product. 

International Selling Fees

International Selling Fees eBay

Besides listing and selling fees, some marketplaces also charge separate fees to international dropshippers. That means if we are outside the US and selling to US customers, we must pay an international fee after every sale. 

Payment Provider Fees

Dropshipping stores that accept credit cards and online payments are charged a small fee per transaction. This fee is called the Payment Provider fee, which we pay to payment gateways.

Chargeback Fee

Now, let’s look at chargeback fees. In essence, sometimes customers may return their purchase or dispute the transaction. When this occurs, selling channels hold the transaction amount or “chargeback fees” in a chargeback dispute until the issue is resolved. Some of the selling channels implementing these costs are eBay and Facebook Marketplace. 

Shipping Costs, Taxes, & Customs Duty

Shipping Costs, Taxes, & Customs Duty affecting dropshipping profit margins

Although we operate a dropshipping business from our computers, it is a real business. So, like every other business, we must pay shipping fees, taxes, and customs duties. However, shipping fees depend upon suppliers and shipping carriers.

However, AutoDS can include the shipping price in the product’s source price. To elaborate, AutoDS is a dropshipping software that automates our business processes, making our tasks simpler and more efficient. With this inclusion, we can offer free shipping to our customers while maintaining our desired dropshipping profit margin. On the other hand, taxes and custom duty depend upon the regulation of the country where we sell. 

Advertising Fees

Finally, we must pay advertising fees to market our products to more customers. With marketing, we can increase the visibility of our products to our target market. In general, there are various marketing methods according to our selling channels, such as Facebook Ads and eBay PPC. So, their prices vary accordingly.

For instance, eBay PPC is a marketing strategy that increases our product visibility across the platform. In return, we pay a small fee every time a customer clicks on our ads.

The Price Is Right: Setting Optimal Product Prices

Undeniably, prices play a significant role when customers look to buy a product. Therefore, we must set an optimal price for our products to become successful sellers. With that in mind, here are five factors we need to consider when setting product prices:

  • Shipping fees
  • Returns
  • Advertising
  • Source cost
  • Product cost

Since suppliers deliver products to our customer’s addresses using shipping carriers, we need to consider shipping costs. However, some suppliers offer free shipping, which we can take advantage of. In essence, free shipping enables us to save on costs and attract customers.

Additionally, customers may also opt to return the product if they are not satisfied with it. So, there may be additional costs associated with shipping. But sometimes, we can ask customers to pay for return shipping.

On top of that, we need to consider advertising fees. Without marketing, finding new customers and scaling our business is challenging. But marketing is also costly, so we must find a balance when choosing a suitable marketing strategy for our products.

Furthermore, suppliers play an essential role in our product pricing strategy. That’s because if suppliers provide us with affordable products, we have a higher profit margin. Hence, we need to find a reliable supplier with affordable products. Plus, working with multiple suppliers also allows us to source products at competitive prices.

Finally, we can always track our competitors and price our products accordingly. However, we must ensure that we are not pricing products much lower or higher than them. If we lower our prices significantly, customers may doubt the product’s quality, whereas higher prices can deter customers.

While we should consider the above methods, there are also other ways to increase our chances of sales when setting prices. As such, here are some techniques that can help us:

Use Odd-Even Pricing

One of the most commonly used pricing techniques is odd-even pricing. This strategy is a psychological pricing method that aims to convince customers to purchase with value perceptions. In this strategy, the sellers set the last digit of the product’s price as an odd number. For instance, instead of $10, we can keep the product’s price at $9.95. This mainly works for products that are aimed at budget-conscious customers.

On the other hand, even pricing is used to signal the completeness of the product. Hence, this strategy is often used by luxury product dropshippers. For instance, if we step into a high-end jewelry store or art gallery, we can notice that their prices are whole numbers which mostly end with 0 or 5.

Display Discount Offers

Dropshipping Discount Offers

As we all know, the Internet is a vast marketplace. While we can find many products, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. As an online seller, offering discounts can attract and retain our customers.

So, if we want to capture the attention of our audience, then we should offer special discounts. This makes customers believe that they’re getting better value for their money.

Automation Tools

Besides the above methods, we can optimize prices with dropshipping automation tools. To clarify, dropshipping automation tools enable us to operate our business efficiently. And one of the most reliable automation tools is AutoDS.

AutoDS streamlines our business operations and saves us plenty of time and effort. While there are various automation features, price & stock monitoring and price optimization are two valuable tools that help us set optimal pricing.

To elaborate, the AutoDS price & stock monitoring tool allows us to track the product’s price and stock directly from the AutoDS dashboard. If there are any fluctuations in price or changes in stock availability from our supplier, AutoDS notifies us instantly. Therefore, we can update the price and stocks in our stores according to the changes helping us avoid loss.

Dropshipping Discount Offers

Another important feature of AutoDS is price optimization. In essence, the AutoDS price optimization tool enables us to find an optimal product price. To ensure maximum profits, it automatically increases the price of products selling well. Also, it decreases the price of the products that are not performing well.

AutoDS Price Optimization tool for high dropshipping profit margin

Overall, if we choose the right price-setting strategy, we can fast-track our path to dropshipping success. 

How To Improve Your Dropshipping Profit Margin

Besides setting an optimal price point, we can use various methods to improve our dropshipping profit margin. With that in mind, let’s look at fundamental ways to improve our profit margins:

Marketing Strategies

Marketing is one of the crucial steps to increase our sales and consequently our profit margins. And there are many popular marketing techniques used by dropshippers, such as:

  • Cross-selling & upselling
  • Product bundles & discounts
  • Marked-down prices
  • Free shipping 
  • Paid marketing

In a nutshell, upselling is a marketing strategy where sellers invite customers to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or other add-ons to generate higher revenue. On the other hand, cross-selling enables us to offer related products from our stores.

Additionally, a product bundling strategy is used by sellers to promote additional sales by offering bundle packages. With product bundling, we can encourage customers to buy multiple products instead of one. All in all, these strategies increase our Average Order Value (AOV) significantly. As dropshippers, higher AOV is crucial as it increases our overall profits.

Also, many dropshippers use marked-down prices to display that they are getting a lifetime opportunity with huge discounts. With this technique, we can slightly increase the price of our product and then offer a “huge discount.” This convinces customers that they’re getting a better deal.

Furthermore, we can always use paid advertising to promote our products and increase sales. For example, we can use eBay Pay Per Click, where eBay increases the visibility of our products by ranking them higher on their search results.

Work With Multiple Suppliers

Work with multiple dropshipping suppliers

In the dropshipping business, partnering with multiple suppliers can benefit us in many ways. For one, we can negotiate a good deal for ourselves if we have multiple suppliers to source from.

Plus, we are not restricted to our product pricing. If one supplier offers a product at a higher source cost, another might offer a lower price. Thus, it helps us remain competitive and also increases our profit margin. Furthermore, multiple suppliers also means we have a comprehensive selection of products, resulting in happy customers.

Optimize Your Product Listings

Since many sellers sell the same product, we must differentiate ourselves from the competition. One way we can do this is by dropshipping products with high profit margin, which usually have lower competition. Another way is to optimize our product listings before we publish them on our website. Mainly, product optimization includes using optimal keywords in product titles, high-quality videos and in-depth descriptions, product variations, and more.

With this in mind, we can use the AutoDS eBay title builder to create the perfect title for our products. By taking different factors into account, such as common keywords, competition, average search volume, and sales, it suggests excellent product titles. And it’s not just for eBay because we can also use the title builder tool for other selling channels. 

Offer Excellent Customer Service

Excellent Customer Service for high profit margins

Whether we are dropshipping or in any other business, enhancing customer experience is crucial. How we handle our customers can make or break our dropshipping business. So, here are six ways to provide excellent customer service to improve our dropshipping profit margins:

  • Reply to each customer’s comments
  • Engage customers with exciting content through blogs
  • Process customer queries and complaints instantly
  • Handle returns and refunds promptly
  • Include a FAQ page on our dropshipping website

With these five tips, we can retain our existing customers and increase our customer base with referrals and positive reviews.

Automate Your Dropshipping Business

AutoDS Dropshipping Automation for higher profit margin

Besides the price automation tools, AutoDS has various tools that help us improve our profit margins. As such, here are the automation features of the AutoDS software that helps us improve our profit margins:

  • Product imports
  • Complete order fulfillment
  • Product research
  • Advanced image editor 
  • Tracking number updates
  • And more!

In modern times, credible and efficient software like AutoDS is a must-have if we operate a dropshipping business. With their automation features, we can take a quicker path to maximize our profit margins.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is An Average Dropshipping Profit Margin? 

An average dropshipping profit margin can range anywhere between 15-60% of the product price. However, it depends on our product type, sales volume, competition level, and target audience.

How Can I Multiply My Dropshipping Profit Margin?

We can multiply our dropshipping profit margins by marketing our products, working with multiple suppliers, and optimizing our product listings. Similarly, excellent customer service and dropshipping automation tools also help us improve our margins significantly. 

What Are The Best High-Profit Margin Dropshipping Products?

High-ticket items (products worth higher than $100) are some of the best high-profit margin products. For instance, furniture, electronics, or jewelry products that we can sell for more than $100 can help us achieve excellent profit margins.


Hooray! Now, we can increase our dropshipping profit margins to maximize our profit potential. With the right price-setting strategy and marketing, we can drastically improve our sales and profits. Furthermore, exceptional customer service and business automation will ultimately scale our profits.

However, there are various tools and techniques we can continue learning and adapting to our dropshipping stores to attain success. Therefore, here are some articles that will help us gain an in-depth understanding of the dropshipping world: