In the evolving landscape of e-commerce, TikTok stands out as a rising star, redefining the way we consume content. With over half a billion users, TikTok has established itself as a social media powerhouse. So, as dropshippers, how can we use the platform to scale our dropshipping business?

In this article, we unravel the potential of TikTok Ads for our dropshipping business.  We will guide you on how TikTok Ads work for dropshipping, the pros and cons of TikTok ad campaigns, and tips for successful advertising. Plus, we dive deep and explore the best TikTok Ads Spy Tools, including AutoDS, BigSpy, PiPiAds, AdWins, and TikTok Ads Library. 

By following the strategies, tools, and insights presented here, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the world of TikTok advertising and dropshipping successfully. Gain a competitive edge and take our business to the next level right here.

The Best TikTok Ads Spy Tool in 2023 - Key Takeaways

Focused on short-form videos, TikTok is swiftly becoming a powerhouse social media platform.

The use of TikTok Ads is a social media marketing strategy that refers to promoted content on TikTok.

We can optimize TikTok ads by tailoring campaigns to meet our goals, objectives, and budget.

TikTok Ad Spy tools, like AutoDS, help us analyze trends and discover popular products.

We can use TikTok Ad Spy Tools to identify winning products, spy on our competitors, and determine which strategies are working for them that can work for our business as well.

Start Now for $1

Let’s dive in!

What Are TikTok Ads?

TikTok, the rising superpower in the world of social media, is a short-form video platform that’s transforming the way we consume content. This platform allows users to create and share engaging videos that are typically 15 to 60 seconds long. In line with this, it also allows us to create TikTok ads that perfectly cater to our fast-paced, attention-grabbing digital world.

With an astounding user base, TikTok is taking the social media world by storm. In 2021 alone, it boasted over 656 million global users, solidifying its place as one of the most popular apps on the planet. 

In fact, we’re expecting the platform’s user base to reach up to 2 billion by 2024.

TikTok’s monthly download numbers have soared past even the giants like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube, making it a true juggernaut in the realm of social media.

Rapid Rise of TikTok graph

Moreover, TikTok attracts users from all walks of life. As one of the most popular platforms to date, we can find a mix of GenZ teens, Millennial young adults, and even older generations. Its content also caters to various interests, from beauty tutorials and dance challenges to educational snippets and comedic sketches. For this reason, TikTok is slowly becoming the global melting pot of creativity and content creation.

The heart and soul of TikTok is its video content. Audiences consume videos in a vertical format for convenient smartphone viewing. Plus, its short-form format keeps viewers engaged and encourages content creators to pack excitement, information, and creativity into a concise timeframe. 

In essence, TikTok’s format is all about keeping things snappy, exciting, and shareable, which is a big part of its appeal.

How Does TikTok Ads Work for Dropshipping?

TikTok Ads can be a game-changer for our dropshipping venture. It’s a dynamic platform that lets us showcase our products, reach a vast audience, and even go viral. Here’s how we can make TikTok Ads work for our dropshipping business:

1. Create a TikTok Business Account

To get started, set up a TikTok business account if you haven’t already. This is our gateway to unlocking the potential of TikTok Ads. In addition, we can access advertising tools and features that let us tailor our marketing efforts. 

2. Market our Dropshipping Store and Products

Now comes the exciting part. We can start creating compelling, engaging video content that showcases our dropshipping products. TikTok offers a variety of ad formats, from in-feed ads to sponsored challenges, allowing us to tailor our approach to our target audience.

3. Customer Discovery and Purchases

As our TikTok ads gain traction, potential customers will discover our products on the platform. Thanks to TikTok’s user-friendly interface, it’s easy for users to access our store directly from the app. They can browse, engage with our content, and make purchases seamlessly.

4. Collect Payments

When a customer decides to make a purchase, we’ll collect payment for the selected item and its shipping. It’s essential to have a streamlined payment process on our dropshipping website to ensure a seamless customer experience.

5. Pass Order Information

After the customer’s order is confirmed and payment is received, it’s time to pass the order information to our dropshipping company. This step ensures that they know the specific items to be shipped and to whom.

6. Packaging and Shipping

The dropshipping suppliers take care of the crucial aspects of packaging and shipping the ordered items directly to the customer’s doorstep. This hands-off approach allows us to focus on marketing and expanding our product range while experts manage the logistics.

In sum, TikTok Ads provide an excellent platform for dropshipping by allowing us to connect with a massive and diverse audience, driving traffic to our online store, and seamlessly facilitating the purchase process. By harnessing the power of TikTok’s engaging video format and targeting tools, we can create a winning strategy for our dropshipping business.

Pros & Cons Of Dropshipping TikTok Ad Campaigns

Pros & Cons Of Dropshipping TikTok Ad Campaigns infographic

Just like any other marketing technique, there are pros and cons to using TikTok Ad campaigns. Let’s briefly go through them.


  • Easy to get started and run ads
  • Scalable to no limits
  • Possible to use a lookalike audience (as in Facebook ads)
  • Target anyone in the world
  • Trendy app – big audience

One of the main perks of using TikTok ads for dropshipping is its user-friendly platform. It’s so easy to create and launch, making it accessible even for beginners. Plus, there are greater reward opportunities for dropshippers. TikTok’s vast and diverse user base means that our dropshipping campaigns have the potential to scale significantly. 

In addition, TikTok allows us to use a lookalike audience and target users who share characteristics and behaviors with our existing customers. This feature significantly increases the chances of our ads reaching a receptive audience, increasing chances of conversion

Lastly, we can target anyone worldwide, giving us a wider reach for potential customers. Given its immense and still growing popularity, especially with the younger demographic, and its ability to target anyone worldwide, the opportunities are endless. It’s the ideal platform to put our dropshipping store and products at the forefront.


  • Requires a budget to begin
  • Engagement doesn’t guarantee conversions 
  • Complying with TikTok’s terms of service

One con of using TikTok ads is that while it can be profitable, it is an investment we need to include in our budget. In addition, engagement doesn’t always lead to sales. An ad can go viral for many reasons and still not generate the sales we want or expect. Still, the more we experience running ads, the more results and data we gain until we find winners.

Finally, TikTok has specific terms and guidelines we must strictly adhere to. Of course, these guidelines can be subject to updates and changes at any time, and it’s our responsibility to stay updated and informed. Otherwise, we could put ourselves at risk of ad rejection or account suspension.

Ways To Advertise Our Dropshipping Business On TikTok

TikTok Ad Manager

If we want to advertise on TikTok, there are several strategies we can use. But before anything else, the first step is to establish our TikTok ads account. This step requires personal information such as our email address, location, and other details.

Now, let’s delve into the diverse marketing methods available on TikTok. We’ll explore three distinct approaches to showcase our dropshipping products on the platform:

  • TikTok Paid Ads
  • TikTok Influencer Marketing
  • Create Organic Content

Let’s unravel each of these strategies and how they can work for us.

The first method for advertising our product on the platform is through TikTok Paid Ads. Conceptually, TikTok Ads are similar to Facebook Ads. However, this newer platform allows us to target a much younger Gen Z audience.

To start creating ads, we should log in via TikTok Ad Manager. From there, we can initiate our first campaign by clicking on the ‘Create‘ button.

Next, we must select the advertising objective that aligns with our business goals. Different objectives are available, such as conversions, traffic, and reach, among others. For dropshipping, the ‘Conversions‘ option perfectly suits our needs, allowing us to optimize our ads for transforming viewers into customers.

Subsequently, we need to establish a campaign name and budget. Regarding the budget, we have the choice of setting it at the campaign level or the ad group level. With our campaign details in place, we can then proceed to create the actual ads.

There are several types of TikTok ads:

1. In-feed ads and TopView

In-feed ads and TopView are ad placement options when creating an ad campaign. For small to medium-sized businesses, using in-feed ads is a perfect choice to capitalize on content and innovation. Plus, it’s a cheaper option compared to other ad choices on TikTok.

In addition, in-feed ads contain our website links or call-to-action (CTA) buttons that last for about 5-15 seconds. These ads appear on the ‘For you’ page on TikTok.

Meanwhile, the TopView ads show a full-screen view when users open TikTok. Since it is an enhanced version of brand takeover ads, it’s also more expensive. Nevertheless, top-view ads can appear for up to 60 seconds, enticing more engagement from the viewers. Moreover, audiences can like, comment, and share these ads, furthering our reach to broader markets.

2. Branded effects/brand takeover

Branded effects/brand takeover are other TikTok marketing methods we can use. As TikTok’s marketing strategy, branded effects are a popular tool among brands and filmmakers. This ad type lets us create filters within TikTok for users to use in their videos freely.

Interestingly, these filters produce effects like stickers, lenses, and similar designs. On top of that, users can share these filters all over the platform. Thus, we can maximize our ad engagements on the platform with little effort.

On the other hand, a brand takeover is an ad type that lasts for only around 3-5 seconds. Afterward, the ad turns into an in-feed type. The reason for this is that TikTok limits the repetitiveness of these promotions. 

Typically, brand takeover ads appear full-screen when users open TikTok. Moreover, this ad type can be a video or image directing viewers to our hashtag challenges or websites.

TikTok Influencer Marketing

Another popular marketing strategy is TikTok Influencer Marketing. If we opt for this method, the key is choosing the right influencers that align with our brand values with an audience that can benefit from our products.


  • Low budget
  • Credibility and Reliability 

One of the biggest benefits of TikTok influencer marketing is that it’s cost-effective. To elaborate, we can reach a broader audience without the high cost of traditional advertising methods. Plus, it’s potentially even more effective since we are getting an existing audience, ideally already within our niche.

Moreover, having a real person endorse us shows that our store and our products are authentic. This factor immediately makes us more reliable to customers, especially since someone they trust online is giving their direct review.


  • Less Control Over the Target Audience

A potential con for this strategy is that we could potentially have less direct control over the specific audience we’re reaching. However, we can mitigate this concern by conducting thorough research and selecting influencers that align with our brand. Doing so ensures that our message reaches the right viewers and, thus, the right customers.

Create Organic Content

In an era where content creation is at its height, it’s understandable why creating organic content can have such a significant impact on our brand. Nevertheless, it is one of the most effective marketing tools available. In this section, let’s briefly discuss the pros and cons of creating organic content for TikTok advertising and marketing. 


  • Free → Higher profit margins 

The most significant advantage of creating organic content is that it requires no advertising budget. It’s an affordable way to reach TikTok’s vast audience, making it ideal for businesses with limited finances. By cutting down on marketing costs, we create higher profit margins for our store.


  • Difficult to scale 

While organic content can be highly effective, it has limitations in terms of scalability. Building and nurturing a community of engaged followers on TikTok demands time and effort. This method is not easily scalable, making it challenging for businesses looking to expand their reach rapidly.

TikTok Ad MethodProsCons
TikTok Paid AdsTargets advertising objectives
Multiple formats to choose from
Requires financial investment
TikTok Influencer MarketingLow budget
Credibility and reliability
Less control over target audience
Organic ContentFree
Higher Profit Margins
Difficult to scale

How To Create A TikTok Ad for Our Dropshipping Store Step-By-Step

Now that we’ve explored the pros and cons of TikTok ads for dropshipping, we can start creating our TikTok ads. To embark on a successful TikTok advertising journey, it’s important to establish our presence on the platform and navigate the intricacies of TikTok Ads Manager. Before that, we must first set up our TikTok Ads Account.

General TikTok Ads Account Setup

In this section, we’ll go through the fundamental steps to set up our TikTok Ads account. Let’s begin!

1. Set Up our TikTok Business Account

TikTok Sign in Pop-up

If you don’t have a TikTok account already, start by creating one before proceeding. Once in our account, go to ‘Settings,’ find the Business Account toggle, and switch it to ‘On.’

Business Account Toggle

After activating our business account, simply hover over our profile to find the Business Suite.

2. Integrate our Store With TikTok

With our TikTok business account, we can now integrate our Shopify Store. Simply install the TikTok app and find options for automated ad creation. Keep in mind that this integration is only available for Shopify store owners. This step ensures potential customers can navigate from our TikTok ads directly to our online store to explore and purchase products.

3. Open the TikTok Ads Manager

Next, to open the TikTok Ads Manager, go to and log in using our TikTok account. Then, fill in the business information accordingly.

Tell us about your business

Here, you’ll manage our advertising campaigns, create and optimize ads, and monitor their performance. The Ads Manager is our control center for all things related to TikTok advertising.

4. Set Up Billing Information

Set up billing information

Before going any further, we’re required to input our billing details. Setting up billing information is necessary since we pay charges for running ads on the platform. Here, we can either opt for automatic payment or manual payment.

5. Select An Ads Manager Mode

Next, it’s also important to select our TikTok Ads Manager mode. Opt for whichever fits our business needs best. In this case, select ‘Custom’ as it provides complete control over ad settings.

Ads Manager Mode 

From here, we can start configuring our ad campaign. 

TikTok Ad Campaign Configuration

In choosing the Custom Mode for our Ads Manager, we have full liberty and control over our ads. And it starts by selecting our advertising objective. 

Select our Advertising Objective

Advertising Objectives

There are three categories of advertising objectives we can choose from: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion. Let’s briefly go through the options under each category to understand better how to position our ads:


  • Reach – maximize ad visibility to a broad audience


  • Traffic – drive more people to our website
  • Video views – increase views and engagement in videos
  • Community interaction – increase audience interaction (e.g., follows and profile visits)


  • App promotion – encourage app installs and usage
  • Lead generation – collect leads for our business (e.g., email address)
  • Website conversions – drive specific actions on our website
  • Product sales – boost product sales

If you’re just starting out, it’s best to start with the cheaper options with a broader target. Choosing ‘Reach’ as our advertising objective means we can show our ad to as many people as possible for higher chances of engagement, traffic, conversions, and sales.

Once we’ve run our ads for 2-3 days, we can gather enough data to narrow down our target audience and elevate to more targeted advertising objectives, such as a “product sales” or “website conversions” campaign. Plus, it’s easier for TikTok to find an audience that purchases from websites.

General Ad Settings

General Ad Settings

Once we’ve set our advertising objective, we can move on to General Settings for our Ad. This portion includes the following:

  • Campaign name – A distinct name or title for our ad campaign to make tracking and identifying our ads easier.
  • Special ad categories – Special ad categories cater to specific types of ads, like those related to sensitive topics. Leaving it blank indicates that our ad doesn’t fall into any particular category.
  • Create split test – A split test involves running two or more variations of our ad to see which performs best. This feature helps us compare different elements to determine what works most effectively.

Create Split Test Option

  • Campaign budget optimization – Allocate our budget more efficiently across different ad sets within our campaign. It automatically adjusts spending to maximize results based on performance, making sure effective use of our budget.

Campaign Budget Optimization Option

  • Set campaign budget – Specify the total budget for our entire campaign. The tool then distributes the budget among the ad sets and ads within the campaign. Setting a budget that aligns with our advertising goals and ensures you stay within our financial limits while maximizing our campaign’s reach and impact is essential. Take note that the minimum daily budget is $50. However, TikTok may not use all of it in one day, depending on the data gathered.

Set Campaign Budget Option

Between creating a split test, budget optimization, and setting a campaign budget, we recommend using the third option. While all methods are effective, this option allows us full control over our ad performance and budget allocation. 

TikTok Ad Group Configuration

Ad Group Settings

After configuring our ad campaign, let’s move on to Ad Group Configuration. To elaborate, an ad group refers to one or more ads with a similar target audience. In this portion, we specify who our target audience is. When it comes to configuring our TikTok Ad Group, we’ll need to focus on specific details to optimize our campaign. Here’s what we need to consider:

  • Ad group name – Choose a distinct name for the ad group. It makes managing and tracking campaigns easier, especially with multiple ad groups running concurrently.
  • Optimization location – This setting allows us to define the location or region we want to target with our ads. We can narrow our audience to specific geographic regions, ensuring our ads reach the right people.
    • Website – Specify the website URL where we want to direct users when they interact with our ads.
      • TikTok Pixel – Select or create an existing Pixel connected to our website to track customer behavior/clicks. 
      • Optimization Event – Choose the specific event we want the TikTok Pixel to optimize for. For instance, if we’re running a new campaign, it’s often advisable to start with ‘Add to Cart‘ as the optimization event. Once the pixel gets enough data from viewers who click ‘add to cart’ on our website, it will be easier to find and target audiences that take the step (e.g., ‘initiate checkout, complete payment’, etc.)
    • TikTok Instant Page – For dropshippers and online stores, this feature might not be relevant. It’s purpose is to create a product page directly within the TikTok app, allowing customers to purchase there instead of redirecting them to an online store.
  • Ad Placements – Leave the Ad Placement on ‘TikTok’ with chats, video downloads, and shares. This setting means the more people chat and download videos, the more data the ad can gather.

Audience Targeting

When configuring a TikTok Ad Group, audience targeting is essential. On the right side of the page, notice the audience amount. Initially, it would start with ‘Broad’ as an estimated audience size to deliver for this campaign. As we carefully select targeting options, the audience size will narrow down. 

We aim to find the sweet spot between a narrow and broad audience. We don’t want a narrow audience that we miss other potential target customers. At the same time, we want to reach a larger audience to gather enough data while slowly narrowing down to our target audience.

So, what’s the magic number? The recommended estimated audience size is around 800,000 to 1,000,000 (approximately). This range provides a solid balance between reach and specificity.

Beginner’s Tip: Utilize tools like ChatGPT to determine our audience. By engaging with AI-driven insights, you can better understand who our ideal audience is, facilitating more effective audience targeting for our TikTok ad campaign.

Audience Targeting

Let’s explore some options we can adjust under this section:

  • Location – Select which countries should see the ads
  • Gender/Age – Select the gender or age range we wish to show the ad to

Pro Tip: Target the audience that will purchase the product, not necessarily the ones who will use it.

  • Languages – Unless you’re targeting an audience that speaks a different language, change this option from ‘All‘ to ‘English‘ 
  • Spending Power – Leave on ‘All
  • Household income – Leave on ‘All
  • Audience – Leave this portion blank as we don’t have any data yet to create a custom or lookalike audience
  • Interests & Behaviours – Add audience interest and behaviors for the product. 
    • For example, if we’re going for this dog toy, we can get help from ChatGPT using the following prompt: Help me target audience interests to run ad campaigns for this product “Large Dog Ball Toys Suction Cup Ropes Interactive Leaking Slow Feeder Chew Toy Toothing Clean Golden Retriever Big Pet Supplies”.
      Then, use the keyword interests in the results and add it to the audience’s interests.

ChatGPT Audience Interest Prompt

  • Device – Everything under ‘Device’ should be on “All” unless it’s an iPhone or Android-specific product.

Content Exclusions

Content exclusions, Budget & Schedule

This section allows us to specify what content our ads should exclude from appearing alongside. It helps in ensuring our brand aligns with suitable content.

Inventory filter -The inventory filter setting should typically remain on ‘standard,’ ensuring that our ads appear across a broad range of appropriate placements.

Budget & Schedule

Setting the right budget and schedule is crucial in TikTok advertising. Our budget controls daily spending, and scheduling determines when our ads appear. Let’s dive into these key aspects to optimize our TikTok ad strategy.


The ad group’s minimum daily budget should initially be $20. This allocation helps us keep track of how much we spend each day.


There are two options for scheduling when to start the campaign. The first option is to keep it running continuously until we manually stop the campaign.  The second option is to set a time to stop the campaign automatically.


Dayparting allows us to decide when our ads run. We can keep the ad running all day or at certain parts of the day.

Bidding & Optimization

Bidding & Optimization

Frequency cap

The frequency cap refers to how often the same people will see our ad. Since we’re basing the ad on ‘impulse purchases,’ we don’t want the same people to see our ads multiple times per day. This overexposure is a waste of our budget since the same people likely won’t be buying the same products again and again. Therefore, it’s best to keep the frequency at either 1 per audience (custom set) or 3 times per 7 days.

Bid control

Bid control refers to the average cost per 1,000 impressions. While TikTok may recommend a higher amount, it’s often a good practice to start with a slightly lower bid. If TikTok suggests $6 per 1000 impressions, bring it down to $4-$5 and optimize as we gather data. Then, with more information we collect, we can better adjust and optimize our campaign for better results.

TikTok Ad Creator

Ad Settings

Now, we’re ready to start creating our TikTok ad. There are a few details we need to be aware of before proceeding. By knowing these, we can fully optimize our ads to give us the best results possible.

Creative Name (e.g. Video Hook 1)

Give a distinctive name to our ad. A unique name helps us identify and manage different ads more effectively, especially with multiple ad variations.


In the identity section, select or create an ad identity to define the source of our ad.

  • Spark Ads – If applicable, we can utilize Spark Ads, which are TikTok’s short video format designed for efficient brand storytelling. 
    • Use an existing post for the ad copy. We can use our TikTok account or someone else’s with their permission.
  • Custom Identity – Create a new custom identity for the ad copy instead of your TikTok account.

Ad Details

The options for ad details vary based on whether we’re using Spark Ads (using an existing post) or not (creating a new post for the ad). Here’s what we can do for this step:

  • Create/upload our video/image ad or choose an existing post (Spark).
  • Choose a call-to-action (CTA) to encourage ad clicks.
    • Dynamic CTA – TikTok automatically tests different options to find the best one
    • Standard CTA – We choose our call to action
  • For ads created without Spark, we can add ad text with the help of a built-in AI text generator.
  • Optional: Enhance our ad with interactive add-ons like stickers and effects.
  • Specify the destination where viewers will land after clicking the CTA:
    • Website – directing them to our product page
    • TikTok Instant-page – directing them to a custom product page within TikTok

Here, we recommend leading them to a website product page for the best results.


Tracking TikTok ads is optional. However, we recommend tracking the viewer’s behavior once they engage with an ad to see what’s working and where they abandon the process (e.g., TikTok Pixel). There are a few actions we can track on the platform:

  • Website Events
    • Track actions the viewers took on our website (after clicking on the ad CTA)
    • This requires a TikTok Pixel connection to our online store
  • App Events
    • Track events the viewer took on our TikTok ad without leaving the platform..
  • Offline Events
    • Track purchases made outside of our website – not relevant for eCommerce stores.

Submit the Ad & Wait for Approval

Before our ad goes live, ensure it aligns with TikTok’s technical guidelines for vertical video ads. Here are some essential tips:

  • Avoid placing text in the video that the caption will cover.
  • Embrace authenticity. 

Beginner’s Tip:  Get familiar with the app’s culture and trends. You can also check out other ads for inspiration on creating engaging content.

Once the ad is submitted, it typically takes a few hours to get approval. After approval, the ad will start running. Remember to test multiple ad copies to find what works best with our audience through split testing.

5 Best TikTok Ad Spy Tools 

Before we dive into the best TikTok ad spy tools, let’s clarify what an ad spy tool is. An ad spy tool is a platform or software that allows us to monitor and analyze advertisements running on TikTok, helping us gain valuable insights into our competitors’ ad strategies and creative content. These TikTok ad spy tools provide a competitive edge by uncovering effective ad campaigns and trends in our niche.

Let’s discuss each tool and how to use them to level up our dropshipping.

AutoDS TikTok Spy Tool

AutoDS TikTok Spy Tool

AutoDS is a versatile platform with numerous features that simplify dropshipping. Among them, the AutoDS TikTok Spy Tool offers in-depth insights into TikTok ad campaigns and creative content. It also enables easy keyword-based searches for niche-specific TikTok posts.

Take a look at the suite of features that makes the AutoDS TikTok Spy Tool ideal:

Product Research: AutoDS conducts comprehensive product research to identify trending and highly sought-after products on TikTok. Leveraging its extensive database and analytical capabilities, dropshippers can quickly pinpoint winning products to offer in their stores.

Competitor Analysis: The tool dissects the performance of TikTok competitors with insights into product selection, pricing strategies, and marketing methods. This information empowers users to gain a competitive edge, enhancing our dropshipping ventures.

Social Media Integration: AutoDS integrates with TikTok, allowing users to monitor and assess the performance of their marketing campaigns. This setup includes real-time analytics and data, allowing dropshippers to make well-informed decisions and optimize their TikTok marketing strategies.

Pros of AutoDS TikTok Spy Tool:

  • Extensive TikTok ad database
  • Provides Competitive Analysis
  • Real-time Analytics
  • Seamless Integration with TikTok
  • Automated product listing and price optimization

To start, AutoDS offers access to an expansive collection of TikTok ads, providing users with various sources of insights and inspiration. On top of this, it also provides in-depth competitor analysis, allowing users to stay on top of their rivals’ strategies.

Moreover, its real-time analytics give users critical data for timely campaign adjustments. This way, we can create more effective ads and maximize our investment.

Finally, AutoDS seamlessly integrates with TikTok, streamlining the monitoring and management of our TikTok marketing efforts.

Overall, AutoDS offers an invaluable TikTok ad spy tool for dropshippers, equipping them with the essential insights and tools required to thrive in the fiercely competitive realm of dropshipping.


BigSpy LP best tiktok ad spy tool

Second on our list, BigSpy is another TikTok ad spy tool that provides valuable insights into successful TikTok strategies. It boasts advanced search filters for precise ad discovery, allowing us to narrow our search based on several parameters. With this tool, dropshippers can effectively find relevant ad examples from their niche.

On top of it all, users can access BigSpy’s basic services for only $9/month. Better yet, a limited-time offer on their Pro Plan, which usually costs $99/month, is available for a 3-day trial for only $1. We can get to know the platform and identify if it works for us and our business goals. 

Pros of BigSpy:

  • Advanced search filters for precise ad discovery.
  • Comprehensive competitor analysis.

BigSpy’s advanced search filters facilitate precise and accurate ad discovery. It allows us to narrow down our search based on specific ad types, industries, regions, and engagement metrics, helping us find relevant ads with ease.

In addition, BigSpy provides in-depth competitor analysis, offering insights into our rivals’ TikTok ad strategies. This includes details on the types of ads they use, engagement levels, and target regions, empowering us to refine our campaigns and maintain a competitive edge.


PiPiAds LP best tiktok ad spy tool

Ranking fourth is PiPiAds, a TikTok trend discovery tool that provides a strategic advantage in outpacing the competition. Specifically, it furnishes an “Advertising” section for delving into our competitors’ successful tactics, including their target audience and budget allocations.

Furthermore, PiPiAds delivers real-time monitoring of TikTok ads, ensuring we have the latest information about our competitors’ advertising endeavors. This feature enables prompt adjustments and optimizations, keeping us at the forefront of our competitive landscape.

Moreover, the platform has three plans available: a Starter plan for $77/month, a VIP Plan for $155/month, or a Pro Plan for $263. However, we can try out the Starter and VIP plan for 3 days for only $3.

Pros of PiPiAds:

  • Filtered ad targeting 
  • Thorough ad performance analysis.

PiPiAds offers targeted ad filtering, allowing us to precisely tailor our searches and gather insights on TikTok ads that align with our specific niche or goals. This level of granularity ensures that we can identify ads that are most relevant to our advertising strategy.

Additionally, PiPiAds provides a comprehensive ad performance analysis, empowering us with data on the effectiveness of various ad campaigns. This information helps us discern successful strategies, whether in terms of audience targeting, ad creatives, or other aspects.


AdWins LP best tiktok ad spy tool

Next on our list of best TikTok ad spy tools is AdWins. This tool gives us in-depth analytics for every ad, including engagement, views, likes, shares, and comments. These metrics let us discover the best-performing ads and what appeals to the TikTok audience.

Bonus we can get started on the platform with a free plan with limited access to features. Its paid plans offer more benefits for users for only $34/month for the Basic Plan, $69/month for the Pro Plan, and $119/month for the Team Plan. On top of that, we can get up to 7 days of free trial for any plan to identify which suits our needs best.

Pros of AdWins:

  • Offers competitor analysis.
  • Identifies influencers.

AdWins excels in providing valuable competitor analysis with insights into their TikTok ad strategies, helping us discern what’s working for them. This competitive intelligence is vital for refining our own ad campaigns and staying competitive in the TikTok landscape.

In addition, AdWins offers the capability to identify influencers. This feature can be a valuable asset in influencer marketing, as it helps us pinpoint the right influencers to collaborate with, ensuring our products reach a wider audience.

TikTok Ads Library

TikTok Ads Library

The TikTok Ads Library is a free TikTok ad spy tool provided directly by TikTok. It is a treasure trove of ads on the platform, allowing us to browse and analyze various ad styles and strategies. While not a third-party tool, it will enable us to explore ads currently running on the platform for inspiration. Thus, it helps us create engaging content and explore different ad formats, styles, and storytelling techniques.

Pros of TikTok Ad Library:

  • Aids in spotting viral trends for ad campaigns.
  • Provides performance metrics for analysis.

The TikTok Ad Library serves as another valuable TikTok trend discovery tool. By exploring the ad creatives and strategies that have gained traction on the platform, we can align ad campaigns with what’s currently resonating with the TikTok audience. 

Likewise, having access to performance metrics is a crucial advantage. With these metrics, we can gauge the success of various ad creatives and strategies. This data-driven approach empowers us to make informed decisions and optimizations to enhance the effectiveness of our advertising efforts.

In sum, these TikTok ad spy tools are empowering with the information and insights they provide to help us create compelling and successful ad campaigns on TikTok. Explore the options, evaluate their features and pricing, and choose the one that best aligns with our advertising goals and budget.

Tips For Dropshipping With TikTok Ads 

Dropshipping on TikTok offers a world of opportunities, but it’s essential to navigate this dynamic platform wisely. Here are some invaluable tips we can use to make the most of our TikTok ads dropshipping journey:

Use TikTok To Select Best-Sellers For Our Dropshipping Store

First and foremost, TikTok helps us select top-selling items we can add to our dropshipping store. Knowing this, we must know trends while considering how quickly they can fade. 

Moreover, it’s important to conduct thorough product research to find winning products for our TikTok dropshipping venture. We can use AutoDS’ TikTok Ad Spy Tool or find trending items directly on AutoDS Winning Products Hub

Be Authentic

The most important factor for success on TikTok is creating content that feels natural to the platform. Authenticity is the key to success on the platform. Remember to create content that feels real and resonates with viewers.

Upgrade Captions

Crafting engaging and compelling captions is more than just words; it’s about weaving a narrative that captures our audience’s attention. Captions should tell a story, convey our message, and connect with viewers personally. Ultimately, a well-crafted caption can be the hook that draws them in and sparks their interest.

Experiment With Trends 

TikTok thrives on trends that come and go like waves in the ocean.  Therefore, we must keep an eye on trending challenges and hashtags and consider how our products can fit into these trends. Joining the right trends can catapult our ad’s visibility, putting it in front of a larger and more engaged audience.

Don’t Forget About The Audience

Our audience is the compass that should guide our TikTok advertising journey. Consequently, their preferences and behaviors are paramount, and understanding them is key to long-term success. Continuously analyze how viewers respond to content, and be ready to adapt strategies based on their feedback. Keep in mind that our ultimate goal is to cater to their needs and desires.

Be Aware of TikTok’s Advertising Policies 

TikTok has rules in place to ensure a safe and enjoyable user experience. Thus, compliance with TikTok’s advertising policies is crucial to ensure our ads run smoothly and meet the platform’s guidelines. Familiarize these policies to avoid any hiccups.

Make Use Of TikTok’s Campaign Optimization Checklist 

TikTok offers a campaign optimization checklist to troubleshoot and enhance our ad campaigns. Make the most of this resource to fine-tune campaigns, addressing any issues and optimizing them for improved results.

Remember, these tips serve as a strategic guide to excel in the world of TikTok dropshipping. By staying updated with trends, remaining authentic, optimizing campaigns, and adhering to TikTok’s policies, we can leverage the full potential of this platform for our dropshipping business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is TikTok Worth It For A Small Business?

TikTok can be worth it for a small business, depending on our target audience and marketing strategy. If our audience is active on TikTok, we can create engaging content that resonates with them, making it valuable for brand exposure and customer engagement. TikTok offers various ad options to fit different budgets. However, the effectiveness of TikTok may vary, so it’s important to evaluate its potential in our particular market.

Can I Find Best-Sellers On TikTok For My Dropshipping Store?

Yes, you can use TikTok to find winning items for your dropshipping store. TikTok trends and popular challenges can indicate what products are currently in demand or gaining attention. By monitoring these trends, you can identify potential best-selling products. 

Can I Sell On TikTok With Shopify?

Yes, you can connect your Shopify and TikTok accounts to sync your product catalog and sell on TikTok with Shopify. With the right marketing strategy, you can effectively promote and sell products to TikTok’s audience through this partnership.


Voila! We’re now ready to scale up our business with TikTok ads. Plus, we’ve also learned about the best tools to optimize our TikTok marketing strategies. Whether you’re aiming to connect with a younger audience or a dropshipper seeking fresh product ideas, TikTok ad spy tools are undeniably a valuable resource.

However, success on TikTok doesn’t come without a well-thought-out approach. It requires staying attuned to trends, understanding our audience, adhering to platform policies, and leveraging available tools and resources.

By harnessing the power of TikTok ads and applying the insights and strategies outlined in this article, you can unlock the potential of this exciting platform. Continue to thrive in the competitive world of TikTok advertising and dropshipping with the resources below: